About Engirlneer

Engirlneers were the vision of a Professional Engineer with a passion for encouraging women of all ages to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). As a woman in a male-dominated industry, I understand how vital it is to get more diversity in these fields. While the number of women entering these degree programs has increased, the number of women who graduate with degrees in these fields or maintain a life-long career in these fields remains low compared to men.  It’s important for young girls to learn what a career in a STEM field is like, especially how fun it can be.  There are hundreds of careers in STEM fields, ranging from those that only require certifications to those that require a Ph.D.  If you love english or writing, you can be a technical writer.  If you love communicating with people, you can go into business development or marketing. If you love the technical side of one of these careers, you can become an engineer or a data scientist.  If you love working with your hands, you can go into a trade, such as an electrician or plumber.  The important thing to remember is that these careers are vital to our lives everyday, and the world needs the innovation and creativity that women can bring to the table.